Dive Brief:
- EdSurge spoke with three educators who talked about how they’re personalizing learning for their students.
- Ellen Dorr, the chief technology officer from Renton School District in Washington, invites students to the table in how they’re being educated, having more voice in the way they’re taught, while Chartwell Middle School in California is weaving makerspaces into the learning experience.
- Appleton Area School District in Wisconsin designed an online course badge — one any student can earn, after they’ve finished an online class, and show they have “online academic integrity.”
Dive Insight:
Tailoring learning to the needs and interests of each student is a high-level goal for curriculum instructors. While the idea that every teacher could adapt each lesson to a pupil is admirable, that isn’t always possible given time constraints.
Still, there are adjustments that can be made to give students more ability to speak up for themselves, and express what they need in class. Differentiated education, such as allowing students hands-on time in makerspaces, provides another method to show what they’ve learned other than taking a standardized test.
Classes on the web can also help meet a student’s academic needs, if they’re not possible in the classroom. Online options can be a powerful way to give students more control over their own learning. It's important, however, to choose classes where an instructor is still present, even if digitally, so students can engage and receive personalized support when needed.